Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Rest In Peace my Coconut!

My elementary school best friend, my partner in crime in middle and high school, my college roommate, my maid of honor, my soulmate-forever friend Candice Pickett Vasquez has recently lost her precious husband Tello (pronounced tay-o). Not only has my best friend lost her husband but Tony and myself and hundreds of other people have lost a dear, fun-loving friend. However, with all of the sadness and grief, I know that we will see Tello again. Just seconds before he passed, Tello looked up at his best friend, Kinon, and told him "I'll be okay" with a grin on his face. Tello is with Our Father in heaven, where we will see him again. I pray for the Lord to give Candice strength and that He would heal her broken heart. She has astonished me with her grace in grief and her unwavering faith in God even through the worse possible loss in life. If you know Candice, please do not be afraid to get in touch with her. She wants to hear from friends and wants to be with people...if you do not know Candice, please pray for her and her whole family. The long road through grief and healing has only just begun. Tello loved life and really lived it to the fullest at all times. The main message at his funeral was to "make things right NOW." None of us are promised tomorrow and the death of my strong, handsome, lively friend Tello has only reaffirmed that NOW is the time to get "right" with the Lord so that we can all live together for eternity. It was a beautiful service and was much more than a funeral. It probably saved many peoples spiritual lives.
I have so many wonderful, warm memories of Tello and all of our times together in college and beyond. Candice and I met Tello at the same time our freshman year of college. He was actually our suitemate's boyfriend. He was at the Citadel and we were at the College of Charleston. After the suitemate and Tello broke up, Candice and Tello reunited and started dating. He has been like a brother ever since. We did a lot of our partying in college with Tello and he introduced us to so many of his friends. He was always up for a good time and loved a lot of things in life...USC football, fishing, golfing, drinking a cold beer and his Candice of course...just to name a few:) I celebrate his life and the time we spent with him. I know the heavens are celebrating now too to have Tello there. This entry has the title "Rest in Peace my coconut" b/c Tello always said he and Tony were coconuts. Brown on the outside and white on the inside. Tello is from Rock Hill, SC and doesn't speak Spanish. His biological father was from Chili...but he was raised by a wonderful, loving, southern mama...Pam White. He may have a hispanic name and some pretty olive skin...just like Tony,but that's about it. We used to laugh and laugh about them being coconuts. I thank God for his friendship and for the wonderful husband that he was to my best friend Candice.
Link below is about his accident.


Kelly said...

Please know that Candice and everyone else who knew and loved Tello are in my thoughts and prayers. The world lost a great person and hopefully the wonderful memories we have of him will get us through the hard times. Just know that he is in Heaven smiling down on us and we will all see him soon.

mahhkayy said...

Hello Mollie

You don't know me but I found your blog through Ashlie Bucy's blog. I'm originally from Greensboro and went to high school with Mallory and Dustin. I am friends with her younger sister mallory and was friends with her brother before he passed. I live in Raleigh but was home this weekend where I attended church on Sunday at Jamestown United Methodist Church. There, I saw Candace and although I have never met her, seeing her sobbing on the altar really touched my heart and I really wanted to reach out to her and let her know that me, my boyfriend and my family are praying for her. My mom works at the church and heard about the accident. Seeing her cry made me cry and broke my heart. If you know could tell me how I could reach her, or let her know I am thinking of her and praying for her through this horrible time, that would be greatly apprecaited! Thank you so much!

Mackenzie Lyons

ps: your little girl is absolutely breathtaking!! so cute!