Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First day of preschool!!!

Sweet Caroline before we left for her FIRST DAY OR PRESCHOOL in her precious little apple dress!
We were there a few minutes early! Pinky came along for moral support:)
I took this picture as I was walking out of the door. As you can see she jumped right in there and never looked back!
Caroline started preschool today and it was AWESOME! Of course I was very teary when I got in the car but it turned out that she didn't mind one bit that Tony and I were gone. Her teachers said she had a wonderful day, didn't cry one time and behaved very well! When I picked her up she came running to me and said "School is FUN!" Mommy also had fun going to the gym and running errands while Caroline went to school! :) We love preschool!!!


Turner Family said...

Oh girl, SOOOO glad it was well worth it!!! I know you're going to have a fabulous year! See ya' around!!


Stacy and Chuck Burch said...

Mollie, I am proud of you! I remember the first day Addie went to daycare, I was teary all day. Good job mama! She will love it! Stacy

Kelly said...

caroline looks so cute in her apple dress! I am sure she will be a good student- just like her mama :)

Cameron said...

yea for both of you for doing so well with it!! i'm so glad she enjoyed her first day. we missed you last night!