Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Top 10 Ways I know that I am REALLY REALLY pregnant!

10. I spend more time in the bathroom than I do in any other location.
9. I take a nap almost every single day just to get by.
8. I am wearing the same 3 outfits all of the time...yes, doing laundry often!
7. I can not and will not look at the scales anymore when I go to the dr.
6. I am stocking up on everything (frozen food, toilet paper, diapers, etc.)
5. I refuse to go to anymore "social" events.
4. Honestly, the ONLY shoes that will fit on my feet are flip flops.
3. I do not recognize my own feet, ankles, or hands. They are swollen that bad!
2. I have the best shaved legs in town...i'm prepared to go to the hospital anytime!
1. Everytime I walk into a store or restaurant, the people that work there look nervous like they might have to deliver a baby instead of the bill at the end of the meal.


Ashlie said...

You are too funny. Hang in there. I can't wait to see your 2nd beautiful little girl.

Kelly said...

that's funny:) i am thinking about ya often!! can't wait to hear the news!!!

Natasha said...

Not too much longer! :)

Erin Phillips said...

Haha.. I am laughing ova here ! You don't have too much time left my dear. I'm thinking about you. You preggers you !