Sunday, May 24, 2009

Life is so precious

Rebecca has been kind enough to keep my blog updated with pregnancy news and a few pictures for me while I have been recovering. (Thank you my dear friend!) I thought today while I had a free second I would make a post about my wild delivery and precious new baby girl Maggie Elizabeth.

First of all, this is the best baby I have ever seen. She sleeps like 23 hours a day/night and has been nothing but a pure joy to be around. I stay awake when I should be resting b/c I can't keep my eyes off of her...she melts my heart. I can literally count the number of times I have heard her cry since she was born on one hand. I was a little nervous about having two children but now can't imagine my life without this precious baby girl! What a wonderful week it has been with her here in this world.

This calm, content child however made quite the entrance into this world last Saturday evening. Tony and I were messing around the house and taking our time to go to the hospital b/c I was having mild contraction about 5 minutes apart. We had just gotten in the car and were excited about going to the hospital and meeting our new little girl (thinking it would be hours if not the next day before she arrived). Before we could get out of our neighborhood, I felt my water break (yes, in Tony's new car:..thank goodness I was smart enough to grab a medical pad to sit on) but was horrified when I looked down and saw no water but blood...and lots of it. We realized the seriousness of this when I kept hemoraging the whole 20 minute car ride to the hospital. It was most definitely the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me. When we finally arrived at the hosptial (after Tony flew through traffic at speeds well over 100 mph) I had my clothes cut off and was in the Operating room within 5 minutes. The nurses knew by the blood loss that the placenta had torn away from the wall of my uterus and my precious baby and myself were in very serious danger. God was holding us both in His hands b/c the Dr. on call happened to be across the street when we pulled into to the hospital and had Maggie out within 15 mintues of us arriving. As he was sewing me up he said "Want to hear something scary...5 more minutes and your baby would not be alive." Not what you want to hear but wow...made us so thankful to have her and for both of us to be alive. Life is so PRECIOUS. Everything can be so normal and going right one second and then things can change in an instant. I thank God every second for Maggie's life.

I will post pics real soon! Thanks for your prayers and support friends. Love, Momma Mollie


Natasha said...

Very scary glad that everyone is okay.

Elizabeth said...

That brought tears to my eyes! I'm SO glad the both of you are ok! Congrats on your beautiful baby girl!

Erin Phillips said...

Oh wow...Now I finally know the whole story. You still have to call me and fill me in more though. Meg and I cannot wait to come and visit in just a few weeks. Love you Mols !

Ivie said...

Oh my that is so scary! I am glad you guys are ok. Maggie is beautiful!