Sunday, August 23, 2009

Wyndham FUN

Let me just tell you...IT IS HARD TO DIET when there are so many parties and beer buckets around for allof the Wyndham festivities! Even though I have not stuck to my nurtrasystem diet for every meal..I have still ost 11-12 lbs in 4 weeks! Yeah! I just reordered so we will see if I can fit into my old clothes by my birthday! Cross your fingers..ha!
On another note, I just have to mention the party my parents had on Sat. night. What a BLAST! I actually thoughtI was winding down after the Bullocks and the Bucys great parties but the night turned into one of the most fun nights I've had in years. We had at least 60-75 people over...great mix of my friends, my parents friends, both of my brothers friends, and neighbors. I don't know how it happened but my parents kitchen turned into "da club". At one point there were at least 25 people in the kitchen dancing like it was their job (me, my parents, and brothers included) This went on for hours! I swear the best parties are the last minute, nothing fancy, dropby kind of nights. Great time had by all! Sure wish I had a pic to post...think my bro might have snapped some..i'll try to get my hands on them!


Erin Phillips said...

Ha, sounds like a blast. Wish I could've been a fly on the wall. Caroline and Maggie's pictures are a---dorable ! OH MY GOODNESS. I just hope my little bean looks as cute as that !
xx Er
ps. Put down Oct. 3rd on your calendar for Meg's shower. Think you'll be able to swing into town for it ?

Kelly said...

how fun!!! wish I could have been there. say hi to the fam for me.
love ya!

Natasha said...

Great job on your diet! :) What fun you all had - impromptu dancing is always a blast! :)

Jennifer said...

Way to go Mollie! You are doing great! Everyone says it's harder to lose the weight with the second. Do you think that is true?