Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Somebody give me a spoon because


Maggie is really coming into her own. She has such a cute personality. She gets into everything and has a sweet, yet mischievious side. She loves her big sissy and loves to do everything she does! She does not talk as much as Caroline did but that probably has something to do with the paci that she LOVES so much! She is a very late teether like Caroline was so I let her have the paci to help with that. She CAN talk and it sure is cute when she does. Anytime I hand her ANYTHING she says "THANK YOU Momma"! Maggie Moo starts to dance when she hears anything that resembles music and she has some good little moves too. Her most favorite thing in the whole world is Buzz Lightyear. She is obsessed with Toy Story...I can't tell you how many times we've watched all three movies. She is an angel and is such a blessing to our family. Her little laugh brings so much joy into our home! Here are a few pics of our precious Maggie at 20 months old! Not a baby anymore:(

1 comment:

Natasha said...

She is beautiful! :) You are blessed!