If you are reading this blog then you have definitely heard me complain over the last several months about being tired, about losing my baby weight or some other complaint I'm sure. Well, today is NOT one of "those" days. I have had the best day so far (it's 11:15am) and since I always voice my bitching and moaning, I thought I should share this too! My day started off at 8 am. Caroline woke up a little later than usual and gave me a few mintes of extra sleep and anyone who knows me knows how much sleep means to me :) But the best part was I was woken up by the sounds of her cooing and laughter. She was so content and happy just being awake in her crib...so sweet. So I get her up, we play a little and then I make my coffee JUST PERFECT. If you don't drink coffee you won't understand that...but if you do...you know what I mean! So, after my perfect coffee, we load up in the stroller and go on a walk. It was a beautiful morning and we took a nice long stroll around the neighborhood. When we get home, Miss Caroline is rubbing her eyes for that morning nap...YES! When I put her down, she doesn't make a peep and goes right to sleep (this is rare:) So, I take off my old walking clothes and throw on a bathing suit and take a running leap into the pool. WOW! Nothing better than a morning swim...the cool water and the warm sun. I spent a few minutes just swimming and thanking God for this beautiful day. Times like this don't happen enough...when I just sit back and think about
how thankful I am to be where I am in life. I am so happy to be a mom and a wife and a daughter and a friend. I need ( and I'm sure most people will agree to this) to take a step back and just be thankful for NOW. This is my life and I love it.