Monday, March 19, 2007

Red Lobster Biscuits

As many of you know my dad is in the seafood business. The ONLY reason I would go to Red Lobster would be for those cheese biscuits. So, here is the recipe...get your fish from Libby Hill! Ha!

2 cups of Bisquick
1/4 cup melted margarine
1/4 teaspoon of Garlic powder
2/3 cup of milk
1/2 cup of shredded cheddar cheese

Mix Bisquick, milk, and cheese until dough forms. Drop onto greased cookie sheet (desired size).
Bake on 450 for 8-10 mins. or until golden brown. Mix melted butter and garlic powder together. Brush over biscuits right after you take them out of the over.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Not scared anymore!

Yeterday I was taking a walk (with Caroline in the stroller) and it was such a beautiful day. I was thinking to myself how perfect the weather was and how I need to get out and walk every morning like this when this huge black dog started barking and growling at me in the woods and scared me to death. It was barking like it wanted to eat us and I could see his lip curled up and all of his teeth. So, of course I panicked and basically started to run. There was a jeep cherokee near by and I thought if the dog came after us that I would grab Caroline and jump on the top of that (ha...can you imagine that!) Luckily, the dog never came out of the woods, it must have been chained to a tree or something...but it ruined my walk! It is one thing to worry about a dog attacking you but it is quite another when you have a little baby strapped in a stroller with you. SO..DOGS IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD NEED TO BEWARE! I have started taking my walks with protection! Tony has this steel club thing (like police officers carry) that he has given me to take on walks. I was walking this morning and laughing at myself thinking how funny this must look to see a young mother and her baby walking through a nice neighborhood with a weapon! Everytime I walk by a house that has a dog or by THAT house that has the mean black dog, I would whip that thing out and be ready! ha! What a sight!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Great Book

I am a part of a WONDERFUL book club. We have all become such close friends and have celebrated and shared in some special times together over the past two years! If you don't know of a book club, start one of your own! It's a great excuse to get together with girl friends and chat(well..and drink wine:). Sometimes we talk about the book, sometimes we don't! Anyway, I could go on and on about how much fun we have and how much I love my book club girls but I was writing to tell about the book we are reading this month. I picked the book this month, so of course I like it...ha. It is called Born on a Blue Day by Daniel Tammet. It is an autobiography of a young guy who is an austic savant (like rainman). It is so interesting and is an awesome book if you are looking for something interesting to read...oh and it is a relatively short book too! Would be a good summer read if you are looking for a pool side book!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Cute pictures, Hell of a time

Wow, so why didn't anyone ever tell me that those kiddie picture places (like picture innovations or any of those places at the mall) are like going and dealing with the devil! As you can tell I just took Caroline to have some Easter pictures made. Her Grandpa bought her the most beautiful light blue Feltman Bros. dress and I wanted to have some nice pictures taken of her. Well, the pictures turned out great BUT I didn't realize that afterwards you are sat down in front of a huge screen with all of these precious pictures of your little baby and the price for the pictures start at $500.00. When the lady first told me that I laughed in her face! Then I asked her if she was joking. Let me tell you, she wasn't...what she was though, was a real used car salesman now selling photos. They had all of these "packages" all of which were over $200.00. And they use your sweet child and all of these precious pictures to tear at your heartstrings to get the money! So after I put on my game face to wheel and deal, I narrowed it down to 3 poses out of 91...and got out of there for 5o bucks. More than I had planned to spend but I was glad to get out of there with a few pictures and a few dollars left to my name. So word to the a good camera and go have them blown up. The pictures are great, but the stress ( 3 hours) of it all was more than I would like for a Saturday afternoon. And don't worry, you'll all be getting one...I have like 100 pictures of her now...what in the heck am I going to do with all of these!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Growing sooo fast!

Candice and Caroline In Charleston, SC
Momma Mollie and Baby Caroline

Watching the game with Dad! Go Pack!

Learning how to eat off of a spoon...tastes good!

Yummy and very messy!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Blessings All Around Me!

I must say this is such a wonderful time in my life right now! I have this beautiful baby girl and she just gets sweeter everyday. On top of that, I have so many friends whom are getting married or are pregnant right now! I just had to list this on my blog to give my friends a shout out!
Getting Married:
Nicole and Brent (Jan. 2008)
Meg and Kyle (Sept. 2007)
Morgan and Bill (Fall 2007)
Heather and Greg
Carmen and Keith( May 2007)
DeAnna and Danny(July 2007)
Sara and Jed (August 2007)
Ashlie and Mike Bucy (Just married 2 weeks ago)

Having A Baby :
Stacy and Chuck Burch (due Sept. 2007)
Megan and Tripp Barksdale (August 2007)
Tina and Ben Herndon (Due on Caroline's birthday- Oct. 2nd)
Lindsey and Shawn Turner (Due in a few weeks)
Rebecca and Michael Ultschey (due this summer)
Erin and Ben Rainwater (Just had a baby boy:Will)

Thursday, March 1, 2007

People Say the funniest things

Since Caroline has been born it has been so funny to just hear the comments people have about her. Most of the "funny" ones we overhear. Tony and I were at the J and S cafeteria this past Sunday and we were in line in front of a group of older ladies (80 years old +). We had Caroline in her little car seat on a rolly thing they have there to push her through the line. We had just come from church so she was dressed in a precious little blue and white gingham outfit with little red flowers on it and of course she had a little red bow to match! Anyway, these little ladies peered around Tony to look at her and said (to each other) "Oh..Look at HIM..isn't HE cute!" They said this just as sweetly as they possibly could have. And they went on ooohhhing and awwwing about how cute "he" was. Then we heard one of them say in a very funny tone "Oh my...look, he has a ribbon in his hair." Tony and I just laughed and laughed.