Saturday, March 10, 2007

Cute pictures, Hell of a time

Wow, so why didn't anyone ever tell me that those kiddie picture places (like picture innovations or any of those places at the mall) are like going and dealing with the devil! As you can tell I just took Caroline to have some Easter pictures made. Her Grandpa bought her the most beautiful light blue Feltman Bros. dress and I wanted to have some nice pictures taken of her. Well, the pictures turned out great BUT I didn't realize that afterwards you are sat down in front of a huge screen with all of these precious pictures of your little baby and the price for the pictures start at $500.00. When the lady first told me that I laughed in her face! Then I asked her if she was joking. Let me tell you, she wasn't...what she was though, was a real used car salesman now selling photos. They had all of these "packages" all of which were over $200.00. And they use your sweet child and all of these precious pictures to tear at your heartstrings to get the money! So after I put on my game face to wheel and deal, I narrowed it down to 3 poses out of 91...and got out of there for 5o bucks. More than I had planned to spend but I was glad to get out of there with a few pictures and a few dollars left to my name. So word to the a good camera and go have them blown up. The pictures are great, but the stress ( 3 hours) of it all was more than I would like for a Saturday afternoon. And don't worry, you'll all be getting one...I have like 100 pictures of her now...what in the heck am I going to do with all of these!

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