Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lots going on around here

Well here is what has been going on around the Perez household:

1. Not a lot of sleep. We go tomorrow to the ENT (Ear/nose/throat) to see about getting tubes in Maggie's ears. She has had 6 ear infections since November..or maybe she's just had one that has never gone away. Either way we've had a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of hurting ears (hers from infection, mine from the crying), and way too many rounds of antibiotics for an 8 month old. Oh yes and to make things worse she had a really bad cough and wheezing so we had to do breathing treatments with a baby nebulizer for awhile. AWFUL. Hoping to get this precious, sweet baby feeling better real soon!
2. A Balancing Act- Balancing grad school, two little kids, several snow storms (which means preschool has been cancelled a LOT), trying to be a good wife, sister, daughter, grandaughter, and friend is HARD. I don't do a very good job most days but dang I'm trying! I really am.
3. Swimming - Sweet Caroline has only had three swim lessons and she is already going under! We are thrilled! Just tonight we were throwing coins in our deep bathtub and she was going under to get them. Goggles really helped with her fear of going all the way under! She will be swimming like a fish in no time. I give her another lesson or two and she'll be a little mermaid! (If anyone needs a fabulous swim me..shes the best!)
4. Working- Tony is busier than ever at work! Wow...I don't know how he manages to do so much at the office and come home and be THE BEST Dad I've EVER seen. He amazes me. These little girls sure are lucky.
5. Progress-Caroline is starting to write her name, knows most of her letters, and is growing like a weed. She is full of energy and is a fantastic big sister. Maggie will be 9 months old in about a week. She is still so sweet natured even though she's had a rough go at it this winter. She's standing and pulling up and saying MaMa and DaDa. I seriously could eat her with a spoon!


Natasha said...

Poor Maggie! I will be praying for her and YOU (I know you are probably exhausted!). :)

Elena Hume said...

I'm tired just reading what's been going on with the Perez family! Hang in there...Maggie will be better soon! Miss you like crazy and hope we can take a trip to NC soon so the babes (and Mommas) can play!