Friday, May 21, 2010

R.I.P. Madison

Our beautiful boxer Maddie went to heaven on Thursday after a long, fun filled life with our family. She showed me what unconditional love really is. Her little stubby tail wagged uncontrollably everytime she saw someone she loved...which was everyone. Her sweet, big, sloppy kisses will be missed greatly. A little part of my heart has gone to be with God. I am thankful for our time with her. Rest in Peace sweet, sweet Madison! We love you so very much!


Elizabeth said...

Our dog was our first "child," and I will be devastated when he passes. I can imagine your hurt. Thinking of you.

Rebecca said...

Yes, it is awful! Just like losing a family member. And if feels silly to be so sad... but it's NOT. :( Makes you want to never get another dog!

Why Momma Loves the Maxi Dress said...

SO sorry Mollie! ( I know you will always miss him.

Erin Phillips said...

Oh Mollie, I am so sorry. I know that has to be very very painful. Our family has lost beloved pets and it never gets any easier. I never want to see the day for Izzy and Bailey. Love you.

Natasha said...

Thinking of your family...