Thursday, October 14, 2010

No Fun November

When Caroline was 6 weeks old, which was almost exactly 4 years ago, I did something awful to my back. I really was just holding my sweet Caroline (all 10 lbs of her) with my feet planted and twisted at my waist...this led to a major back injury. Not very exciting huh? For about 3 days I could hardly move from standing to sitting without feeling like I was being electricuted. Probably the worst pain I have ever felt. Well, since then (the past 4 years) I have been dealing with the pain of a torn disc. My neurosurgeon recently told me some very valuable information that cleared up the whole mystery surrounding why a disc would just tear for no reason on a 26 year old healthy woman. Apparently, the last few disc/vert. in my lower back did not fully form when I was in the womb. They appear to be there but are non-functioning. Therefore this disc that tore was just worn out from taking all of my lower back stress/pressure/ the other disc were not doing their job. In the last six months the pain has gotten a lot worse and my dr. has advised I get surgery soon as to not have any permanent nerve damage in my back and leg. So, on November 1st I will be going in to have a micro discectomy...basically where they move the nerve aside and remove a portion of the disc. I will be in the house for at least 2-3 weeks as I am not allowed to ride in a car and will be receiving intensive help with the children as I am not allowed to lift anything over 5-10lbs. Maggie weighs 24 lbs and this is where the problem lies. Thank the good Lord we have many wonderful people to help. Please pray for my speedy recovery and for Dr. Pool. But even more so please pray for my children. I know that they will be confused by all of the commotion and shuffling around while I recover. Maggie will be especially confused b/c she is attached to my hip (which I thoroughly enjoy every second of it)! I will miss it more than her...but we can snuggle while I am in the bed healing. There is never a good time to have surgery like this BUT I will be up and back at it by time to enjoy the holidays!


Jennifer said...

I'll be thinking of you Mollie!

Natasha said...

PI will say a prayer for you, the kids, and the family helpers. This will be a difficult time but will be worth it in the end. Hang in there!