I'm afraid we have a "climber." Maggie climbs on everything and touches anything she can get her hands on. We told Caroline one time to "not touch" something and she wouldn't give it another thought. Heck at 12 months old we have video of her walking around and pointing at things (like a candle, the stairs, etc.) and saying "no, no!" She knew not to mess with things. However, Maggie is VERY different. First of all she is very tender and gets her feelings hurt easily, very easily. She doesn't like to disappoint. But man, she likes to tinker and mess with things....Curious George! Recently, she has been waking up a lot in the middle of the night. We try to let her cry and put herself back to sleep but her room is right beside of Caroline's so unless we want two kids awake at 2am, we have to go in. Two night ago Tony rocked her for a while and she didn't go to sleep so I went in and gave it a whirl. After about 30 minutes I got a wild idea (due to lack of sleep and desperation...and honestly I think most parents would do just about anything to get their kids to sleep at 3am)and I crawled in the crib WITH HER! The thought that I could break the crib did cross my mind, again my desperation kicked in, and I hopped right in. You should have seen the way Maggie was looking at me...funny! She did go to sleep but was still making noises every 15 minutes or so. So Tony comes down to relieve me and can't find me. After circling the house twice and looking in the garage he came back in Maggie's room when he saw me throw my hand up and wave at him from the crib. Again, you should have seen the look on HIS face! Even better than Maggies! Ha! He thought I had disappeared into the night but no I was all nestled up in THE CRIB with Maggie. Long story short...she was hungry. Must be in a growth spurt. She went to sleep BY HERSELF after eating a snack and slept great until 8:30am. Well, the crib saga continued last night. She started crying again at 2 am and I convinced Tony to let her cry. I know the mother is usually the one who doesn't want to let them cry but Tony hates to let his precious Maggie Moo cry down there. It's actually very sweet. They have an incredibly close bond b/c he so often goes and "rescues" her at night:) Anyway, we were both exhausted last night and so we let her cry for some time...I have no idea how long b/c it's all a blur at that timeof night. She stopped and we all slept nicely. Tony and I got up bright and early and went down to MAggie's room to find her ON THE FLOOR! At some point she climbed/jumped/fell out of her crib for the first time. We had the monitor on good and loud and we didn't hear a thump or a cry of pain...so i'm assuming she gracefully climbed over and out. She had thrown all of he blankets out and was asleep on the floor. It is humerous now but at the time we felt TERRIBLE! She's totally fine, no bumps or bruises. So I guess this is the beginning of a trend or she now knows not to do that again. Either way, she probably won't be "crying it out" anytime soon. Ha.