Saturday, January 28, 2012

AAHHHH...My e-mail has been hacked

Please do not open any weird e-mails from me. My e-mail was hacked yesterday and I changed the password and then it was hacked again. I have changed my password three times now in the last 12 hours so hopefully it is resolved now. How violating! YUCK. Just know that I will never send anyone just a link to some unnamed website. Stupid HACKERS! Sorry if you recieved anything weird from my AOL acct. I've had that e-mail address since 1998 and every single contact I have ever written or recieved an e-mail from was probably sent something yesterday...yikes. I guess that's why they say you need to change your password often...and 14 years is NOT OFTEN. ha!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


So I have outgrown the old "lose weight/work out more" New Year's Resolution routine. I am happy with the body that God has given me and this year I am going to go easy on myself. While I am going to try to be more healthy, I am not going to try to be more thin. On that note, I have made one resolution that would fit into this category: DRINK MORE WATER. I have a list of health complaints that would probably all go away if I would simply stick to this one resolution. My goal is not a lofty one but a reasonable one: Drink 70 oz. of water a day. I have to drink at least 8-12 oz. right when I wake up to take my thyroid medication so this should be a good way to get my water drinking habit started. My other resolution is to read more books to my children. I used to have to put a limit to the number of books we would read to Caroline every night because if she had it her way, we would read and read and read...all night. Somehow we have gotten into a bad habit of watching T.V. before bed and the reading has nearly been forgotten. As a former teacher, I should be ashamed. But more than ashamed, I am usually pretty darn tired. HA. So, more reading, less T.V. I know these are not too terribly exciting but I have to document them so I will have a little accountability for whoever reads this. If you see me, ask about these two areas if you remember! Happy 2012.