Saturday, January 28, 2012

AAHHHH...My e-mail has been hacked

Please do not open any weird e-mails from me. My e-mail was hacked yesterday and I changed the password and then it was hacked again. I have changed my password three times now in the last 12 hours so hopefully it is resolved now. How violating! YUCK. Just know that I will never send anyone just a link to some unnamed website. Stupid HACKERS! Sorry if you recieved anything weird from my AOL acct. I've had that e-mail address since 1998 and every single contact I have ever written or recieved an e-mail from was probably sent something yesterday...yikes. I guess that's why they say you need to change your password often...and 14 years is NOT OFTEN. ha!

1 comment:

Natasha said...

Oh my! Hopefully, it's fixed. :)