Friday, August 28, 2009

15 weeks old

Miss Maggie is now almost 15 weeks old. She is cooing and giggling and is just the most precious little baby! Everyone she meets just falls in love with her. She is playing with little toys now and tries to reach out for things. This is a pic of her in her baby einstein play station. She loves it.
As for me I am getting lots of sleep (unlike when Caroline was a baby)and am happy being at home with my precious little girls. Caroline starts preschool 3 days a week very soon which is great b/c her mommy is running out of things to do to keep her days busy and interesting. We've exhausted all of our 2 year old crafts, movies, and the pool. Her latest "favorite thing to do" is play mermaids. She has a few dolls and if you walk through our door, she will try to get you to play mermaids too. This week has been a tough one b/c I think I have a herniated disk and have had trouble walking, picking up Maggie, and moving in general. Not good. This is a reoccuring problem and is most inconvenient with having a newborn. A very very big thank you for Tony for all of the work he has done to help me and our children this week while I was unable to move. My parents and friends (Rebecca, Christina, and Megan) have also been a huge help to get me over this hurdle! Thanks everyone!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Wyndham FUN

Let me just tell you...IT IS HARD TO DIET when there are so many parties and beer buckets around for allof the Wyndham festivities! Even though I have not stuck to my nurtrasystem diet for every meal..I have still ost 11-12 lbs in 4 weeks! Yeah! I just reordered so we will see if I can fit into my old clothes by my birthday! Cross your fingers..ha!
On another note, I just have to mention the party my parents had on Sat. night. What a BLAST! I actually thoughtI was winding down after the Bullocks and the Bucys great parties but the night turned into one of the most fun nights I've had in years. We had at least 60-75 people over...great mix of my friends, my parents friends, both of my brothers friends, and neighbors. I don't know how it happened but my parents kitchen turned into "da club". At one point there were at least 25 people in the kitchen dancing like it was their job (me, my parents, and brothers included) This went on for hours! I swear the best parties are the last minute, nothing fancy, dropby kind of nights. Great time had by all! Sure wish I had a pic to post...think my bro might have snapped some..i'll try to get my hands on them!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Now this is cute!

This is how I define cuteness! Caroline - 2 years, 10 months Maggie - 12 weeks

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Baby weight

So it's now time to lose the extra 25 lbs that are left after Maggie's birth. I would normally not announce a diet on my blog but I'm doing nutrasystem (yes... you've seen it on tv with dan marino)...I'm doing it out of curiosity and in hopes that it i'm trying it for a month as an experiment to see if it really works. I've always wondered so i'm giving it a shot. I recieved my month worth of food last Tuesday and have been pretty good for a week straight. I have had a couple glasses of wine during the week and had a piece of fish at bonefish on sat. night but other than that I've been eating out of my box of food for the month. Believe it or not, it hasn't been too bad so far. Looks a lot worse than it tastes. For me it's been better than measuring food and counting points. I really haven't had time or the energy to exercise much this week either... Lost 6 lbs my first week. I know that is probably a first week thing b/c I went from extreme eating and drinking to this diet (after my glutenous week at Ocean Isle. I will keep you posted...hope it works so i can wear my clothes this fall and put the moo-moo's away for awhile...ha.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Not a baby anymore

Caroline is no longer a baby or a toddler...look at my big girl rollerskating! She looks so grown up!