Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Chemo for MeMe

Today is my Grandmother's first day of Chemo. It is five hours long today. My mom reports that she is doing fine...I'm sure the days and weeks to come will be difficult for her. She is a very strong woman and I'm sure she will blow us all away with her resiliency and her positive attitude! She and my mom went wig shopping yesterday. My mom said they both laughed so hard they almost wet their pants! It makes me smile to know that people can find laughter in the face of fear and the unknown! Keep her in your prayers! And thank you to everyone who has asked about her and kept her in your thoughts!


Jonathan & Christina said...

We'll all keep on praying for her, Mollie - and all of you, too. Not only is this hard on MeMe, but it's hard on loved ones as well. Tell MeMe she has lots of people rooting for her, even though we haven't all met her. She sounds like such a special lady. If there's anything we can do to help out in any way, we'd be more than glad to...
Christina, Jonathan, & Ellison

Kelly said...

I am SO sad to hear about MeMe.. I had no idea!! Please know she is in my thoughts and prayers! hugs to all! I miss you so much!!
love you.