Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's been awhile...

We finally have gotten wireless internet at our house! I haven't been able to check my e-mail or update the blog in several weeks b/c our office has been moved as we have worked on our little girls rooms! They are complete!! And precious! Caroline has made the most smooth, beautiful transition into a big girl bed (double bed)and Tony and I have really enjoyed the time reading and snuggling with her in her bed. You just lay them in a crib for two years and can't get close to we can enjoy bed time! It's been a surprisingly sweet time with our little girl who is growing up sooo fast. As for the other two baby girls (me and the baby in the belly...ha) we are doing really well. I get tired easily but have really enjoyed this pregnancy. However, recently I have experienced some swelling and high blood pressure so I am having some tests done today for pre-eclampsia. I really do feel fine so I'm sure that the test will come back ok! We'll hear later today. I just feel too good for something that serious to be wrong. Speaking of high blood went through the roof yesterday when Caroline took a spill at the playground. She was running across a little swinging bridge and rolled off. I saw her fall and she landed pretty softly on her side so I was sure nothing was hurt other than her feelings. Well I ran over and her mouth is bleeding profusely. She had biten through her tongue and it was split almost in two. VERY scary looking and lots of blood. However, I learned something yesterday. Tongues are a very special little part of the body. They bleed a lot for a short time and heal on their own, even when your tongue is nearly in two pieces! So my little trooper cried for about two minutes and then acted like nothing happened. Needless to say, I was freaked out over her tongue but my wonderful dentist neighbor Terry Dawson assured me that it would heal back together in a few days. And this morning, believe it or not, her tongue was not seperated anymore and looked a lot better! So...Word to the need to freak out like me and rush to the emerg-care over tongue accidents...THEY HEAL THEMSELVES. But it's still very scary! :)


Natasha said...

Poor Caroline...ouch! Poor mommy...heart attack! I'm glad Caroline will be okay. Keep us updated on the test results.

Stacy and Chuck Burch said...

Agh! I would have totally lost it too! Wow, I am glad she is okay! let us know how your test turns out and if you need anything. It won't be long mama until that little darling is here. We miss you all and need to plan a get together.