Monday, April 6, 2009

So Proud

This is a national commercial that my wonderful father in law did for Citgo. I'm so proud of's so good! He is such a successful, giving, loving, wonderful man! They couldn't have picked a better guy to do this! It will be on spots during the nightly national news, ESPN, Face the nation, and several other shows, then it will go local this summer. Keep an eye out! Tony is in it for a brief second...if you blink, you might miss him! Caroline and I have watched it like 100 times b/c she loves hearing her PaPa's voice and seeing him on TV. Very cool!


Kelly said...

is this the commercial that they did when I was in town? so cool!

Ashlie said...

Very cool. Nelson might have a new career on the horizon.
Is that Tony shooting hoops???

Erin Phillips said...

COOLNESS ! Josh and I just watched it. We saw Tony ! Great commercial !

Stacy and Chuck Burch said...

How cool! Go Nelson! I am sure that Caroline thinks that is pretty cool.