Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cinco de "OH-MY" O

Our Cinco de Mayo was rather scary and eventful. My sweet, precious mother woke up and passed out on the floor. After a visit from the EMS, an emergency room visit, X-Rays, and a CAT Scan...she was hospitalized for an infection in her intestines. She had a long long day of severe pain in her stomach. She is gearing up for a colonoscopy tomorrow to see exactly what the problem is. They are saying right now that is is a form of colitis (infection on the large intestines) but tomorrows tests will confirm or change that. Please keep her in your prayers! We thought we might be in the hospital this week but not for this...poor Gram. Hope she's better soon!!!


Natasha said...

Oh no Mollie! I'll be praying for your mom. She has to get better before that next grandbaby arrives. Poor thing.

JaclynJohnson said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your mom...I'll be praying for her this week. Keep us posted!

Elena Hume said...

I'm so sorry about Mrs. H! Our prayers are with you and your family! All our love!

Erin Phillips said...

Oh no, I don't like hearing this news. Mol, please tell your mom she is in my thoughts and prayers. Give me a call soon.
xx Er