Friday, November 9, 2007


Well, it's official! Caroline Perez can walk...and she walks everywhere! It is so precious...she wobbles back and forth and looks like she has been drinking. We just went to her one year appt. and she weighs 21 lbs. She used to be pretty large for her age but now she is looking like a little thing compared to other kids her age. It probably has something to do with the fact that she is not a very good eater. She eats fruit, cereal, and crackers most of the time. I have even tried to mix veggies in with things to "hide" them....she will actually fish the vegetable or meat out of her mouth and literally throw it on the floor....ha, and then swallow the other food that she likes. I just bought Jerry Seinfeld's wife's is a cookbook for picky eaters. We'll see if that helps. Caroline STILL does not have her first tooth but it looks like it may be in the near future! About three days ago I notice a little spot on the bottom right front of her gum and it almost looks like a little ulcer or sore. I've been told that's what it looks like before they come in. So it looks like she does have teeth in there after baby dentures needed! Even though she doesn't have any chompers, the girl can talk! The Dr. asked us the other day if she could say 5 words....I was like "uhh yeah..more like 55 words!" She conquered all of the basic words (mama, dada, dog, bird, up, etc.) a few months ago. She now is impressing us with words like turtle, water, bottle, bowl, bless you, pinky, book, night night...and so on. It's pretty cute. But I do have a feeling we have a talker on our hands! Hhmmmm...Wonder where she got that...ha! :)

1 comment:

Missy said...

I want to see pictures!